Events History

16 Jan : Humans transferred in space

How about a Space Walk ? You can look for it on the internet and would find so many fascinating videos of the same. But the story dates back to 1969. How it all happened, Read here.

16 jan-martian.jpeg
Do you remember the film ‘Martian’. It has a reel life story of real life incident.

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to transfer from one spacecraft to another while in orbit? Well, on this day in 1969, Soviet cosmonauts Aleksei Yeliseyev and Yevgeny Khrunov did just that. They performed the first-ever docking of manned spacecraft in orbit.

The two spacecraft involved were Soyuz 4 and Soyuz 5. Yeliseyev and Khrunov transferred from Soyuz 5 to Soyuz 4, which were docked together. This marked the first-ever transfer of crew from one space vehicle to another, and it was an extraordinary feat at the time.

During the four and a half hours that the spacecraft remained docked, which equated to three orbits of the Earth, the cosmonauts embarked on a remarkable spacewalk. They ventured from Soyuz 4 to Soyuz 5, becoming the first spacefarers to return to Earth in a different spacecraft from the one they had initially launched in.

This historic moment demonstrated the Soviet Union’s capabilities in space travel and their ability to perform complex maneuvers in orbit. It was a significant achievement that paved the way for future advancements in space exploration.

The spectacle and challenges of transferring from one spacecraft to another while in space can be easily underestimated. It requires precise calculations, careful planning, and impeccable execution. The risks involved in such a maneuver are immense, but the Soviet cosmonauts successfully pulled it off, showcasing their bravery and expertise.

It’s important to note that this milestone was not repeated until 1978 when the Soyuz 27 crew returned to Earth from Salyut 6 aboard Soyuz 26. This further emphasizes the significance of the achievement made by Yeliseyev and Khrunov.

Reflecting on this incredible accomplishment reminds us of the progress that has been made in space exploration over the years. The film ‘Martian’ may have portrayed a fictional story, but it is based on real-life incidents like the docking of Soyuz 4 and Soyuz 5 that continue to inspire us to reach for the stars.

As we look to the future, we can only imagine what other remarkable feats will be accomplished in space exploration. With ongoing advancements in technology and the collective efforts of nations around the world, there is no doubt that humanity’s exploration of the cosmos will continue to push boundaries and inspire generations to come. 

आज 1969 में पहली बार अंतरिक्ष में दो स्पेसक्राफ्ट के क्रू मेंबर्स ने स्पेसक्राफ्ट की अदला-बदली की। स्पेस में चलते हुए एक स्पेसक्राफ्ट का क्रू मेंबर दूसरे स्पेसक्राफ्ट में गया और दूसरे स्पेसक्राफ्ट का क्रू मेंबर पहले स्पेसक्राफ्ट में गया। ये स्सोवियत पेसक्राफ्ट थे Soyuz 4 और Soyuz 5। आसमान में चलते हुए एक स्पेसक्राफ्ट से दूसरे स्पेसक्राफ्ट में पहुंचना कितना मुश्किल और खतरनाक होता है इसका अंदाज़ा आप ऊपर लगे वीडियो को देखकर लगा सकते हैं।